Learning from Nature

‘Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson

‘Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I think we’ve probably all had a dream we’d like to pursue, but somehow found life taking us in a different direction. Or when we decide to make changes in our lives, however big or small, we expect it all to happen immediately - and lose heart when that doesn’t happen.

Because the reality of change is, unfortunately, often a much slower process than we might like.

First comes the resolution to make the change. Then, usually, comes a wave of fear (disguised as rational thought) that tries to keep us in our nice, comfortable, present reality - however uncomfortable that reality might actually feel.

Then, after putting the idea away for a few days/weeks/months or even years, we gradually come back round to it, with the realisation that this thing, whatever it might be, has to be done.

And that’s when the magic happens.

Because then, suddenly, there’s no other path you can take, no other way you can go.

That was my experience anyway, when I was dreaming about jumping out of my life in London, and into something softer, slower and more in tune with our natural rhythms.

I didn’t know exactly what form this new life would take, but I knew I needed more time in fresh air, less time walking on concrete, and I needed to design something that felt true to me, and from the heart.

Fast forward a couple of years and I’m still finding my way - but I know one thing for sure: I wouldn’t go back.

So if you keep having that dream, and you keep looking at your ways to make it a reality, and eventually you can see a way to make it possible - then I’m going to be right there behind you, cheering you on. Because a life lived in comfort and safety, well it’s comfortable and safe - but do you ever really feel alive?

And if you have a dream you’ve been storing away, I’d encourage you to take a first little step today. Even if that first step is just writing your dream on a corner of paper and sticking it on your mirror.

Do it - because however slow the change or long the transition - a dream is so much better realised, than left as a dream.


Conscious Living - Part 1. What is Slow Living?
