Most days now, I take a walk into the hills before starting work. I go anytime between 7 and 9am and each day is different. I catch the dawn or I step into a day already breaking; I walk through and under trees, across grass, through banks of leaves. Some days it’s sunny, others, like today, we are deep under a sea fog.

I’m lucky where I live that I can get out of the city easily, but if I were walking the streets around my house it would follow the same pattern. I leave the house still quiet from sleep and begin a daily process of seeing, noticing, becoming aware of the breaking day. This morning there was a sharp nip in the air and a smell of winter; in summer there could be the sweet smell of cut grass or a scent from some unknown bush or flower.

I don’t go everyday, but the days I do go, are somehow better for it. I have more energy and my day flows more easily; I am less likely to feel stressed, I’m calmer and more settled in my sense of self.

We often look outside of ourselves to find a sense of place and belonging, for our happiness - but a true sense of self comes from these quiet moments with ourselves, noticing, listening, seeing; both within and without. And as we take these time-outs, we begin to appreciate where we are now, and where we might best go next.

This happiness (maybe better described as contentment) is something we can develop from within, a habit we can grow and cultivate. It is an awareness of ourselves and our needs; it is not dependent on others, but it often creates a greater consideration for others, as we do not look to them to fill the gaps, solve our problems, provide for our needs.

Self awareness allows us to take greater care of ourselves, and stimulates a kindness and tolerance that radiates out into our daily lives, our interactions with others, our interactions with ourselves.

We may not all have the opportunity to take a walk before we start our day, but we can all find ten minutes for ourselves, if we start to look. A quiet moment making coffee, a quarter hour in the bath before bed, reading a book before we sleep - these precious minutes may be hard to find and short lived, but they are worth gold. 

Try it today for yourself and see…


Learning from Nature


A Thought for October